Make plans to attend the Christmas Program of Rising Star Baptist Church virtually. You will be able to view on our website, Youtube channel or Facebook page. It will be an awesome time in the Lord. It will be December 16, 2020 at 6 pm CST.
After the President’s news conference was over, one of the reporters made the observation that for the first time in our nation’s history we won’t be celebrating Easter. Well let me tell you one thing, he’s dead wrong. We might not celebrate what Easter has become in that there may […]
Recently, an outbreak of the coronavirus (now called COVID-19) in China has caused global concern. It came from a seafood and meat market in Wuhan, China, in December. It has since spread to other countries, including the United States. Despite Wuhan and other Chinese cities being quarantined, the COVID-19 has […]
Take the 15 day challenge and prepare for a miracle Sunday school day. Open your hearts to God, and submit yourself to him doing the 15 days of study, meditation, and prayer. Sharpen your hearing, and listen for his still small voice in the mini things he has to say […]
You are invited to join us April 15th at 12pm for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt as we enjoy our Youth!!! We look forward to seeing you there.
You are invited to be blessed and witness a spiritual drama! Baad Girls of the Bible Come and witness the Glory of the Lord as the characters are brought to life with a modern day interpretation March 11, 2017 @2pm For more information contact Gwendolyn Collins
We are so excited to have an opportunity to celebrate our Pastor and First Lady for their service to the Rising Star Baptist Church. This time of celebration will be February 19, 2017 @ 11am. We invite you join us for this wonderful time.
You are invited! Join GLOW Ministry Kick off 2017, Saturday, 2/11/2017 at Rising Star Baptist Church 1320 2nd Ave West 35208. Come and be blessed at 11:00 am. Dr. Sheila Lawrence facilitator.
Join us for the 106th Church Anniversary – “A Homecoming Celebration.” This awesome time of fellowship will be November 20, 2016. Make plans to attend. You will be blessed!! For more information call us at (205) 786-7852.