Join us for school bag give a way after church at 12:15 pm on Sunday August 15, 2021. Please wear your mask.
Re - opening June 20, 2021 Sunday 11:00 am Infection Prevention: COVID 19- CDC Guidelines Please follow the Safety Guidelines: - If you are sick, stay at home. - Mask are mandatory and must remain on throughout the church service. - Strict respiratory etiquette (cover for coughing or sneezing). - […]
Make plans to join Rising Star Baptist Church as we celebrate Easter! The youth department will present an Easter program and the Sunday morning worship service will follow immediately after. We will gather on the parking lot that’s located on the 14th Street. Mask are required and we will socially […]
Join us for the 2021 Easter Egg Hunt at Rising Star Baptist Church! It will be an awesome time to gather. Masks are required and we will socially distance. Bagged lunches and hunting bags will be provided. It will be April 3, 2020 at 11 am – 1 pm.
Make plans to attend the Christmas Program of Rising Star Baptist Church virtually. You will be able to view on our website, Youtube channel or Facebook page. It will be an awesome time in the Lord. It will be December 16, 2020 at 6 pm CST.
We are walking for Sickle Cell. Please go online and register for the virtual walk. Sickle Cell only affects black folk, support us. For more information Click Here!
Mayor Randall L. Woodfin has proposed and the Birmingham City Council has unanimously approved an ordinance to require the wearing of a face covering in public during the COVID-19 health emergency. The ordinance requires an item to cover the nose and mouth of a person to limit the spread of […]
Now that the coronavirus outbreak has affected people in more than 100 countries, awareness of COVID-19 is at an all-time high, making people across the globe wonder if their latest sniffle could be a symptom. Here’s what you should know about the virus’s symptoms and what you should do if […]
After the President’s news conference was over, one of the reporters made the observation that for the first time in our nation’s history we won’t be celebrating Easter. Well let me tell you one thing, he’s dead wrong. We might not celebrate what Easter has become in that there may […]